2015-06-10 5:00 PM
I'm discovering how the analog works input in STM32F103. There is something I still didn't find in the datasheet. I understood all the mode and register configuration, but where is the information to know with wich port is linked to wich ADCx? For exemple, I need to fullfil the ADCx->SQRx with each number channel I want convert. But where can I find the information that ADCx_INx is Portx? Is ADC1 is ¨PORTA and ADC2 is PORTB? Thanks,2015-06-10 5:36 PM
In the datasheet you look for things like ADC123_IN8 or ADC3_IN9, I made those up, the ADC digits would refer to which units they work on, INx is the channel#
2015-06-10 6:25 PM
I'm sorry but I do not understand you. I have the STM32F103 LQFP64 pins. So I have ADC1 and ADC2 and physically, I have pins PAx, PBx (x=0-15) You said ''the ADC digits would refer to which units they work on, INx is the channel#'' I'm ok about that, but for example IN3 is which physically pin (and which ADC)? or with another words, when I configure : GPIOA->CRL to have PA0 as analog input, how I know which ADCx and which INx channel is? I miss something easy and surely trivial but that's what I don't understand. Can you help me to make clear my mind? Thanks2015-06-10 9:46 PM
2015-06-11 6:07 AM