2021-06-21 3:07 AM
2021-06-21 3:09 AM
2021-06-21 3:11 AM
yes with same footprint
2021-06-21 3:13 AM
What do you mean by alternate part, what do you need from that chip, woud you settle with less power, no floating point? cost? Any key peripheral you cannot miss?
Do you want to stay within ST products?
2021-06-21 3:14 AM
STM32f407Vxx is not available in any of the online stores.
Note that the alternate part should have same footprint, make, and similar functionality.
2021-06-21 4:29 AM
Similar is a very vage description of what you need.ç
Anyway maybe you find this article interesting
2021-06-21 5:01 AM
Use STM32CubeMX to search for compatible ICs.
Try all STM32L4x7 (series should be firmware compatible, but tests needed, and need to confirm all IC features you use exist.).