2013-10-18 2:04 AM
Hi all,
at page 135 of , I found a note: ''To know which functions are multiplexed on each GPIO pin, refer to the datasheets.'' But I didn't find the datasheet forSTM32F303VCT6.
At the end, I need to know which value insert in the registers GPIOx_AFRL and GPIOx_AFRH. Can someone help me?Thanks #lmgtfy #lmgtfy:-stm32-resources #alternate-function-mapping #stm32f303vct6-alternate-function #goes-to-152013-10-18 4:34 AM
2013-10-21 12:29 AM
Hi Clive,
thank you.But I can't find the table with the values used for GPIOx_AFRL (for pin 0 to 7) and GPIOx_AFRH (for pin 8 to 15) configuration in order to select the appropriate alternate function.Probably there is something that I didn't understand.2013-10-21 6:36 AM
Click on the ''Pg 43'' link provided, navigate to Page 43, observed the table, AF0=0, AF1=1,..AF15=0xF
2013-10-21 7:15 AM
Thank you Clive,
now is clear:for selecting the AF1, I need to write 0x00000001 both for GPIOx_AFRL and GPIOx_AFRH as reported at page 147 of2013-10-21 7:26 AM
You might want to select the Reference Manual for your part, RM0316
2013-11-15 1:13 AM
2013-12-09 6:41 PM
I'm also having difficulty locating such a table for the STM32L152xB. The datasheet has a list of functions for each pin, but no table of how they are mapped to the AFRL/H. Any thoughts?
2013-12-09 7:27 PM
I'm also having difficulty locating such a table for the STM32L152xB. The datasheet has a list of functions for each pin, but no table of how they are mapped to the AFRL/H. Any thoughts?
AFRL describes pins 0-7, AFRH pins 8-15. Each pin source is described by 4-bits, 8x4 = 32-bits in the AFRL/AFRH. The source AFIO[0..15] represents the 4-bit encoding.2013-12-11 5:41 AM