2022-07-14 11:59 AM
First, I am sharing some basic information.
The target - STM32G0, compiler Keil C11.
I am trying to jump from a Bootloader to an application. The scenario is very frequent and there are many questions about that on the web, but unfortunately I failed to find a solution to my problem. One of the problems I haven't yet resolved is corruption of the local variables right before the jump as result of __set_MSP which stores in the stack the base address of the applicatio, where I am trying to jump to.
You see here 2 pictures.
On the 1st picture you can see that appJumpAddress is 0x800515D, which is correct.
On the 2nd picture , after calling __set_MSP, written in asm, you see that appJumpAddress is already wrong and therefore my BL jumps to the wrong place in Flash memory .
The operation is standard , described everywhere. What I might did wrong?
If someone here has an implementation of such a jump in Keil, can you please share these 3-4 lines?
2022-07-14 12:21 PM
No kidding... half this stuff is coded by people who barely know what they are doing.
The use of statics/globals would have been safer.
Look, don't set the MSP here, it's not coming back. Explicitly load the SP as the first thing you do in the Reset_Handler of the *Application*. Some of the GNU startup.s examples do this.
Reset_Handler PROC
EXPORT Reset_Handler [WEAK]
IMPORT SystemInit
IMPORT __main
; LDR SP, =__initial_sp
LDR R0, =__initial_sp ; Cortex-M0(+) method
LDR R0, =SystemInit
LDR R0, =__main
2022-07-14 12:31 PM
Also the interrupts shouldn't be disabled at the MCU level, nothing enables them again.
And don't change the SCB->VTOR here. That should be handled in the App side SystemInit() with a symbol the linker can fix up.
extern uint32_t *__Vectors;
SCB->VTOR = (uint32_t)(&__Vectors);
2022-07-14 2:11 PM
A complete solution:
P.S. The line 229 perfectly describes almost all ST's firmware related code in general!
2022-07-14 2:11 PM
Actually, SCB->VTOR I changed in the SystemInit in the App, because Keil changed it to the FLASH_BASE which is 0. Thus, setting VTOR before the jump is redundant.
Thank you for your help!
2022-07-14 2:23 PM
Thank you!
2022-07-14 4:49 PM
Loading MSP for the app is popular because of ARM (Keil) and IAR. Their startup files neglect to initialize MSP like gcc's.
As for SCB->VTOR: now I'm setting it in the beginning of main(). Just got tired patching SystemInit().
2022-07-15 2:02 AM
How to take screenshots on Windows:
2022-07-15 2:34 AM
You're right and I appologize for not providing pictures of good quality. It is because I asked the question with my phone and had these pictures because i discussed the issue with my friends on Telegram. Next time i will do a better job. Thank you!