2018-01-13 10:03 PM
I am new to this group and wish to start using the STM32 group of MCUs. There seems to be a lot of choice here. Can someone recommend what hardware/software to use in my development. I have used MCUs from Microchip, TI and various 8051.
2018-01-13 11:57 PM
Get started with STM32F0 or STM32L0 with KEIL C Compiler on a nucleo board.
2018-01-14 1:21 AM
Hello Peter,
For persons, who would like to get started with STM32 ST prepared two online courses. These are
and . By attending in these courses (free of charge) you can easily become familiar with STM32 MCUs and its tools ecosystem.Regarding hardware platform, you can consider using one of affortable STM32
Szymon2018-01-14 7:50 AM
Doing what? Do you have a practical application for a 200 MHz core, or something running at 20 MHz? The context of what you want to do might provide a more focused path, and narrow the choices.
Keil has a free IDE for ST's Cortex-M0 parts (F0, L0). If you like GNU and Eclipse there are several tools using those. Tools chains are usually a lot about personal tastes.
The NUCLEO and DISCO boards are cheap and self contained. Have a built in debugger pod, and Arduino shield connector and VCP connectivity in many cases. There are some top-shelf EVAL boards but the up take there is a lot smaller.
Joseph Yiu's 'Essential' books have a lot good foundational stuff providing a different perspective compared to ARM's TRM and ST's DataSheets, Reference and Programming Manuals.
2018-01-14 12:57 PM
I use the Visual Studio IDE, I paid for the GDB license.
Very nice, quite quick and single step at will.
then there are no restrictions to switch to any processor you wish.
2018-01-14 7:01 PM
Thanks for the reply. Your suggestion means there is virtually no outlays required except for a low cost nucleo board. I purposely made my question very open ended so I would get a broad cross section of views, which is what I received. All replies are useful to me.
2018-01-14 7:02 PM
That is very helpful! I shall check on the links you gave and take a look at the 2 hardware suggestions.
2018-01-14 7:05 PM
Sorry to be vague but I have a number of different applications. As I wrote above I wanted this to be a general question so I could receive many solutions. I do agree with you that if a question is focussed then the respondent will be better able to offer an optimal solution. I do know I have to do a lot of reading of datasheets but that OK.
2018-01-14 7:06 PM
Thanks for the reply. Whats does GDB stand for?
2018-01-14 7:29 PM
Visual GDB will allow you to compile ARM projects within the Visual Studio IDE.
but it costs $150 roughly.
per year I think..