2018-02-05 2:56 PM
I use a STM32F407 on a custom board. The application is in Motor Control. I have to read the next channels:
ADC1: Channel 0 and 2
ADC2: Channel 6 and 14
ADC3: Channel 10 and Channel 11 and Channel 12 and Channel 13
Channel 0 and channel 6 and channel 10 should be synchronised read.
Channel 2 and channel 14 and channel 11 should be synchronised read
I need to read 8 value on channel 0/2/6/4 and 4 values on channels 10/11/12/13
I use STM32CubeMx to configure all and I have try to use HAL Library but without success and I try now to use LL Library.
I will start the conversion of 16 values (8 for channel 0 et 8 for channel 2) on ADC1 and the same on ADC2 and ADC3.
My question is: 'How can I start the conversion on these three ADCs and how can I start the DMA transfert?
Is there a documentation somewhere (multichannel, multi-adc synchronised ,DMA and Synchronised)?
Thank you in advance.
#stm32f4-adc-dma-ll2018-02-05 3:59 PM
I'd use triple mode, but make all 3 ADC do 4 samples, using the command data register to pull all values with a single DMA into a single array.
Symmetrical configuration and timing, triggered via TIM assure synchronization.
ie ADC1 0, 2, 0, 2
2018-02-06 12:03 AM
Thank you very much for your answer,
I will try to do it with one single DMA and conversion Triggered via TIM.
2018-02-06 1:00 AM
The F4 Discovery Firmware Package (SPL) contains a sample project showing triple interleaved mode using DMA.
(Named 'ADC_Interleaved_DMAmode2').