2018-11-06 11:28 PM
Dear Member,
I have a question related with multiple channel on ADC ,
how can I retrieve the value of channel 1 and channel 3,4 and 5 from
adcResult= HAL_ADC_GetValue(&hadc); ?
2018-11-06 11:42 PM
Just look closer at the function (especially the return value) for the answer.
Ignoring the "fringe" use case of a single channel, the STM32 ADC was designed to be used with DMA.
With proper setup, the DMA TC interrupt will give you an arbitrary list of conversion results.
2018-11-07 3:01 AM
I saw from my code library without CubeMX
For Channel8:
ADC_RegularChannelConfig(ADC1, ADC_Channel_8, 1, ADC_SampleTime_55Cycles5);
How can we implement that with STM32CubeMX framework ?