2019-08-21 3:55 AM
I am using stm32f4 discovery board. I will record sound approximately at 5.56 kHZ. So i use 10 bit resolution 480 clock cycle PCLK2 at 21Mhz . When i press the button it will take sample for 10 seconds. Sampling frequency is okay. For 10 seconds record i couldn't create an algorithm how should i go further? How will i combine timer and adc sampling?
2019-08-21 4:31 AM
I suppose you mean the 10 seconds timer, and not a timer to trigger individual ADC conversions (which would be 1s / 5560).
How about counting the number of samples ? Not a problem if you know sampling frequency and duration in advance.
Or you could either setup a TIM unit for 10s, or use the SysTick counter (the latter may conflicht with Cube/HAL).
Isn't the data size problematic ?
You would need two bytes per sample, giving roughly 54kBytes for intermediate storage.
I think the sampling rate and core performance would allow for blockwise processing, and continuous sampling.
2019-08-21 4:39 AM
Yes, i mean 10sec timer not for triggering. Yes i know sampling freq. and duration. I am planning to setup a time for 10sec.
It might be problematic. 10secs adc samplings will be approx. 70kBytes. Then, i will send to the sd card.
2019-08-21 5:19 AM
I think the sample counting method would be the safest one, i.e. yielding the exact same amount of samples each time.
Using a timer can introduce jitter when interrupts occur inbetween (both start and stop).
> 10secs adc samplings will be approx. 70kBytes. Then, i will send to the sd card.
I would use smaller packages, otimally the size of a SD card block.
You could use double buffering, and continuously stream data to the SD card.
2019-08-21 5:25 AM
In 1 second 5560 sample. 10 sec 55600 sample you mean i will count 55600 without using timer?
2019-08-21 8:21 AM
Get a timer to generate the trigger ADC sampling point, generating 5.56kHz pulse
Feed this pulse to the ADC trigger input signal or pin. Maybe use 8 bit ADC for smaller buffer to get started with?
Set DMA to push ADC results in a cyclic RAM buffer, use the ADC_DMA half transfer callback to process double buffering (continuous conversion with processing time to be careful with). Set the half size (in samples) to get your 10 second (5560 bytes x 10 sec x 2 double buffer in RAM!)
10 seconds with raw audio seems RAM demanding...
2019-08-21 9:45 AM
Get a timer to generate the trigger ADC sampling point, generating 5.56kHz pulse
A: What about ADC frequency? Timer for trigger at each 5.56kHz. Is it right?
Feed this pulse to the ADC trigger input signal or pin. Maybe use 8 bit ADC for smaller buffer to get started with?
A: I can use of course 8 bit but the resolution will be low anyways.
Set DMA to push ADC results in a cyclic RAM buffer, use the ADC_DMA half transfer callback to process double buffering (continuous conversion with processing time to be careful with). Set the half size (in samples) to get your 10 second (5560 bytes x 10 sec x 2 double buffer in RAM!)
A: Why you said 2 double buffer. 1 buffer might be easy.
As i understand, i should use timer+adc+dma but in where i adjust 10 seconds and what will be adc frequency?