2011-05-30 6:08 AM
2011-05-30 7:41 AM
The part void ADC1_2_IRQHandler(void) {...} is the only part where I cannot set any breakpoints in my compiler. Though I don't know if thats significant concerning my problem... Anybody got a hint for me? Sincerely, B.L.2011-05-31 6:34 AM
I don't know if this is your problem, but you are disabling ADC2 EOC despite the comment field.
Also, I would move the NVIC initialization function call to just after the RCC initialization function call. Cheers, Hal2011-05-31 4:18 PM
For my IDE, I have to set the vector table base location at 0x8000000 as part of the NVIC initialization. If Ride 7 doesn't do that for you automagically, that might be the problem.
Cheers, Hal2011-06-02 6:37 AM
Hello baird.hal.001,
thanks for your answers. I've been able to solve the problem meanwhile. Apparently the problem was the name of the used IRQ handler. I had used the ADC1_2_IRQHandler but instead I had to use ADC1_IRQHandler. It's just a bit annoying that I spent about a week on solving this problem that I had just because the right handler can't be found neither in the manual nor in the toolchain I'm using. In the newest documnetation only the (wrong) ADC1_2_IRQHandler can be found... B.L.