2021-04-20 5:36 AM
Hi All,
I would really appreciate your input to this problem.
I am presently trying to implement the waveform "(a) PWM-ON" shown in figure below
It is for a 6step control algorithm, the STSW-SPIN32F0251 to be exact.
Here is the snapshot of the code that I have implemented for each step
This is the result that I am getting on the output timers that generates output PWM signals.
-->The yellow and green waveforms are the hall sensor input signals. All the three hall sensors signals have been XORed internally in my MCU into a single channel TI1.
-->The blue waveform is the gate signal to the high side of the first leg.
-->The pink waveform is the gate signal to the low side of the second leg.
A zoom in:
Also here is an interesting picture showing the current waveform in pink color. The current decays to 0 between each step due to this delay problem
Now the problem that I would love you to help me with is this:
So how can I fix this delay?
I kinda think it could be a setting problem on the PWM timer - advanced timer 1. Maybe there is a setting to ensure the signals repeat and not get cleared until the next step.?
Thank you
2021-04-26 1:20 AM
Any hint or help would be really appreciated as I am still yet to solve this problem
2021-04-26 2:36 AM
Your oscilloscope signals are flooded with noise :sad_but_relieved_face: .
I cant tell appart noise from signal , what about fixing that first.
Maybe that delay is a demagnetization spike?
If your motor stored a lot of energy during the pwm (the motor has high L or youre spinning it really fast), you sometimes get this demagnetization spike which is the time it takes to the magnetic field to colapse (enery stored in the coils).
Or maybe you just badly implemented the steps
2021-04-26 3:03 AM
Hi Javier,
Please pardon the noises, I presently have a bad measurement system that cannot reject the noises perfectly.
But the Hall sensor signals are digital - HIGH or LOW.
I do not think its the demagnetization delay though.
But maybe I badly implemented the steps. And I think if I did, then the motor should not even spin at all.
Which is why I think it has to do with the timer settings. However I did notice something:
2021-04-26 3:16 AM
Make sure youre doing this step changes correctly, maybe youre switching off the pwm when you dont have to
the motor should spin but also make ugly noises.
Another idea, what if youre overflowing the variable you use to set the pwm cycle?
2021-04-26 4:18 AM
That is true, I have actually tried to verified that just now. And the steps are correct in correlation with the hall sensor signals status.
And yes true, the points you marked actually shows that both switches are off and its why the current is zero at those points you marked.
Since ive verified the steps, maybe this might be a cause I don't know:
LL_TIM_OC_SetPolarity(((TIM_HandleTypeDef *) pMc->phf_timer)->Instance,LL_TIM_CHANNEL_CH1, LL_TIM_OCPOLARITY_LOW); //High Side
LL_TIM_OC_SetPolarity(((TIM_HandleTypeDef *) pMc->phf_timer)->Instance,LL_TIM_CHANNEL_CH2N, LL_TIM_OCPOLARITY_HIGH); //Low Side
Maybe this could be a cause but it makes no sense to me
2021-04-26 7:18 AM
what happens if you try to set the same polarity two times to the tim channel?
2021-04-26 7:37 AM
Hi Javier,
I have tried playing around with the steps, it still does not remove the delay. Also I dont think its the pwm duty cycle variable overflow goes even at low speed - equivalent to a small uint16_t value - the delay still exisits
2021-04-26 7:38 AM
you mean something like this right?
case 1:
MC_Core_LL_SetDutyCycleHfPwmU(pMc->phf_timer, PulseValue);
MC_Core_LL_SetDutyCycleHfPwmV(pMc->phf_timer, 0);
if (QUASI_SYNC_RECTIFICATION == 1) MC_Core_LL_EnableChannelsHfPwmsStep1(pMc->phf_timer);
else MC_Core_LL_EnableChannelsHfPwmsStep14(pMc->phf_timer);
LL_TIM_OC_SetPolarity(((TIM_HandleTypeDef *) pMc->phf_timer)->Instance,LL_TIM_CHANNEL_CH1, LL_TIM_OCPOLARITY_LOW); //High Side
LL_TIM_OC_SetPolarity(((TIM_HandleTypeDef *) pMc->phf_timer)->Instance,LL_TIM_CHANNEL_CH2N, LL_TIM_OCPOLARITY_HIGH); //Low Side
LL_TIM_OC_SetPolarity(((TIM_HandleTypeDef *) pMc->phf_timer)->Instance,LL_TIM_CHANNEL_CH1, LL_TIM_OCPOLARITY_LOW); //High Side
LL_TIM_OC_SetPolarity(((TIM_HandleTypeDef *) pMc->phf_timer)->Instance,LL_TIM_CHANNEL_CH2N, LL_TIM_OCPOLARITY_HIGH); //Low Side
2021-04-27 1:15 AM
@BoboyeOkeya yes, show me what happens.
Another thing that will help you a lot is output the commutation steps trough the DAC so you can capture the steps signal along with your pwms with the oscilloscope. (the signal should look like a small 6 steps stair)