2016-09-19 2:48 PM
Hi Dear All,
I wanna ask you some questions about 3 phase motor control. If I wanna generate 6 PWM, I have to use both of two Timer? (because of Timer1 and T?mer8 has 4 channels.) And I wanna generate 6 PWM in order to drive 3 phase motor. Each 2 PWM (high side and low side) must be complementary and also deadtime is needed. How can I achive this? It would be appreciated somebody give me advice/guide on this subject?
Thank you very much.
Best Regards.
#stm32-pwm #timer-complementary-dead-time #3phase-motor2016-10-03 8:40 AM
You can use any advanced timer with 4ch. Only need to use one timer because you can use CH1, CH1N, CH2, CH2N, CH3, CH3N outputs. The CHxN outputs are inverted from the regular channels and you can add deadtime to avoid shoot through.