2023-06-28 7:55 AM - edited 2023-06-28 8:15 AM
I have a problem with STEVAL-PTOOL1V1 (for sensorless use added needed components)
The project was built with:
The board description from https://community.st.com/t5/motor-control-mcu/dear-st-i-need-to-find-the-download-quot-motorcontrol-workbench/m-p/118999
MC Workbench 6.1.2
Motor data from the datasheet (4 pole, 32V, 3.6A etc)
Power supply 32V, 4.3A
STM32CubeMX 6.8.1
STM32CubeIDE 1.12.1
Testing with Motor Pilot (6-step algorithm)
Board connection OK
With the default project settings, the motor makes half a revolution and stops with an Over Current error. The power supply is not overloaded.
With the rev-up with halved Pulse values in Phases Configuration, the motor makes the same half a revolution, and the program stops in TSK_HardwareFaultTask();
What could be the problem?
2023-07-07 7:54 AM
Hello ! to give you a first answer, with this Board I had a problem with the connection of the phases, it is important that the phases of the motor are perfectly connected. do you think you can check this on your side and and give me feedback?
2023-07-19 2:48 AM - edited 2023-07-19 4:34 AM
Thanks for the suggestion. One of the windings of the motor was damaged, low BEMF.
I replaced the motor. In the meantime, I picked up a STEVAL-SPIN3204 and the motor runs flawlessly with it. If I use the same motor parameters and speed settings with STEVAL-PTOOL1V1, the motor accelerates to the required speed, but next comes Hardware_ Fault, UART stops, and the motor stops. This is sometimes seen to happen during SWITCH_OVER. Acceleration is stepwise and vibrating, unlike the smooth acceleration with the SPIN3204.
The wiki has a link https://wiki.st.com/stm32mcu/wiki/STM32MotorControl:Six-step_firmware_sensor-less_parameter_optimization. Unfortunately, it doesn't work