2021-10-04 4:03 AM
Hi @Camilo LEMOS
I had to start a new thread, as you've closed the announcement (which is a strange thing to do in a forum).
I went for the whitepaper to find out it requires a rather annoying registration procedure. Why can't we use our my.st.com/community.st.com account for this? When complaining about annoying login procedure we repeatedly receive the answer that you want a single point of registration, so why aren't you consistent in this?
Jan Waclawek
2021-10-04 8:00 AM
Hi @Community member ,
I'm checking with the owner of this whitepaper whether it can be made accessible using the usual login process, I will let you know as soon as I hear back.
I closed the announcement as we've had previous experience with unrelated questions being asked in announcement posts and losing their ability to receive answers and be tracked.
Thank you,
2021-10-04 8:15 AM
Thanks @Camilo LEMOS .
It's the inherent nature of fora that certain percentage of followup posts are off-topic; yet the basic purpose of fora is discussion. IMO discouraging it is worse choice.
2021-10-11 6:03 AM
Hi @Community member
Just letting you know we are still looking into this. We have been able to reproduce the behavior of registered community users having to go through the registration process to view the white paper. It seems to be an SSO integration problem where the community login is not translating into an st.com login as expected.
I will keep you posted as soon as I have more info.