2015-12-17 9:17 AM
I have the IHM001 motor control kit. I managed to compile the 6step example from STM32CubeExpansion_SPN7_V1.0.0 . I'm using Linux, and I managed to create a Makefile for the example project.For FOC it seems I have to use 'STM32 PMSM FOC LIBv4.2', but there I see just a few stmcx files referencing my IHM001. Where can I find sources for an example for my board? For example, the sources to the pre-installed app on the included '302 nucleo would be nice. (to prevent messing up that pre-installed app, I use my '401 nucleo for testing at the moment.)2015-12-21 1:46 PM
Hi Roger
I purchased the very same IHM001 pack and asked for the source file directly to the ST support. At the moment no feedback. If I have any feedback I will be pleased to share it. By the way I managed to use the board also to run other prototype code using Mbed compiler, but unfortunately I discovered that the P-NUCLEO-IHM001.bin file referenced in the manual is nowhere to be seen on the ST site. Best regards Stefano2015-12-21 2:41 PM
Its in the STM FOC LIBRARY 4.2 install somewhere.
.....STM32CubeExpansion_SPN7_V1.0.0/Projects/Multi/Examples/MotorControl/Binary/P-NUCLEO-IHM001/P-NUCLEO-IHM001.bin2016-01-07 8:39 AM
Ciao Roger
As mentioned in the other topic you can use ST MC Workbench to configure the STM32 PMSM FOC lib v4.2 to work with the P-NUCLEO-IHM001, so you can consider it the FW example for that board. Just a note The original FW is a mixed of the two FW: STM32 PMSM FOC lib v4.2 and the 6-step code STM32CubeExpansion_SPN7_V1.0.0 so starting from the one or from the other you can get the same behavior of the original (what is missing is only the boot strap code that choose among the two code according to the jumper setting). Ciao Gigi2016-01-10 7:58 AM
2021-06-27 10:55 PM
The question has been moved from the "Motor Control Hardware" section to the "STM32 Motor Control" section (the question is about the STM32 MC SDK).
Best regards