2022-02-01 6:42 AM
I try to run PMSM motor with Steval-HKI001V2 board. Unfortunately, this board does not support motor profiler software, so I measured the motor parameters manually.
I watched all the Motor Control online video courses and configured the drive parameters, sensors, and start-up parameters. After many days of trying to spin the motor with different start-up parameters I have achieved the following result: I'm able to align the rotor and spin it smoothly to the final ramp speed of 700rpm but then the motor just stops with "start-up" failure.
As I noticed in FAQ start-up failure often occurs when the current is too low, but after increasing the current to 8A, the motor is clogging near 600rpm and then a "speed feedback" error occurs.
What could be the reason for such behavior?
I attach .stmcx project file.
My motor parameters:
2022-02-07 1:22 AM
I observed phase current from DAC output signal and it looks ok. There is some noise but I think It's from the control board external power supply. Is there any debug method to find out what causes a problem? "Speed feedback" error or "start-up" error tells me nothing. Solutions from ST FAQ do not work. I will try to make auto-tune with a different board to make sure that motor parameters are measured correctly (Motor Profiler doesn't support STEVAL-HKI001V2)
2022-08-10 5:47 AM
Hi, I was going through a similar situation.
I'm completely the beginner but I think I managed to figure it out, it works for me now.
youtube watch?v=fusr9eTceEo
Let us know how you going with that.
2022-08-11 5:37 AM
thank you for your answer. Your solution sounds good and I think it will help many beginners. After weeks of trials and errors, I came to similar conclusions. The most significant factors are Iq, Id PID Gains, and Speed controller PID Gains. But for me, the first solution for start-up errors was making an auto-tune by IMP-15 + NucleoF303 boards. I put motor parameters from Motor Profiler to a new project with the target power board and MC workbench automatically calculated the PID gains.
Based on STM solutions and experiences with MC Workbench, my team developed a motor controller for ROV thrusters. It works pretty well but for now, we have a problem with "Speed feedback" error when a certain torque (near 20Nm) is reached. Maybe you had a similar problem?
2022-08-12 12:23 AM
I did not get that far yet in my learning and discovering what MC can do.
Your problem sounds like there is not enough power to keep desired speed.
What I have found recently is that playing with PWM frequency and dead time for driver and power stage, cranking PWM up and lowering dead time, motor's max speed lowers down.
However, lowering values for G2 (C2) AND G1 (C1) (this with negative value) I can get some speed back. Observer does not measure the B-EMF but calculate the value and G1 and G2 is a factor for this calculations.
Maybe rising 'Speed sensing -> 'Variance threshold' could help? Default value I believe is 10%.