2022-02-21 12:51 AM
Hi ST and fellow struggling customers:),
I am trying to to get running small 24V BLDC sensorless in-runner with STEVAL-SPIN3202 in FOC or 6 STEP .
I stuck after endless attempts with downloading various older versions of all the "cubes".
I am trying (for a new project) to migrate from TI's F28027F which was not the easy one to work with, but this one... No manuals, no videos, except for marketing.
At the moment:
I use MotorControl Workbench 5.Y.2., STM32CubeIDE 1.8.0, STM32CubeMX 6.3.0.
At least this version configuration allows me to upload the project into the board.
I am loading the example 6S_STEVAL3202_SL_VM.
Saving it in separate location.
The only changes I do:
Unchecking Hall Sensors and Encoder in motor section and select Sensor-less (Observer+PLL) in Speed sensing.
I click " Project Generation:I click "Update"
It creates project files.
Here I am a bit confused. The readme suggests "open the project in IDE". I was unable to do this.
Instead, I click It opens STM32CubeMX, where I can find some yellow triangles, magenta lines and all green ticks on a "System View".
I am leaving everything intact, including:
I am clicking
It generates the code and kindly allows me to "Open Project" that brings me to STM32CubeIDE 1.8.0.
I am Building the project. It does not fit into FLASH.
I am changing (Project) Properties->C/C++ Build->Settings->MCU GCC Compiler->Optimization->Optimization Level to "Optimize for Size" and it builds! Great!
I am uploading the code into the board. No problem!
Resetting the board.
Launching the Motor Pilot. Connecting to the board. It sort of connects:
GUI is inactive and I am getting this nonstop:
I feel I am as far from running the motor as I was a week ago.
Dear ST,
Can I have a simple advice on how to turn sensorless 24V BLDC motor with STEVAL-SPIN3202 in FOC (or 6STEP)?
Maybe you have some simple example. If you do, where I can find it? How can I import it into the IDE?
You may also have some "How To" videos that I could not find.
Edward Shaw.
2022-02-22 12:55 AM
Any comments please?
ST, is it me, or it is a known issue?
Why I cannot connect via UART with both examples loaded, at any baudrate, including 9600?
2022-07-28 5:57 AM
Hi, I have exactly the same issue and behavior as you described.
I tried all baudrates (including changing them in ST Motor Controller Workbench -> Digital I/O block), and probed UART line with oscilloscope on the J7 of the STEVAL-SPIN3201: I see that ST Motor Pilot sends some data from PC, but the board never replies.
Apparently the support for this board didn't age well. Were you able to make it work from your side?
2022-07-28 7:37 AM
For the record, I was able to make it connect using version 5.4.8 of Motor Control Workbench of (the oldest one available for download as of today) with STM32CubeMX v6.6.1 and STM32CubeIDE v1.10.1.
Still, it's not very stable: it works best on 9600, often takes multiple attempts to connect and disconnects often.
2022-07-31 1:20 AM
Sorry for a late reply.
The generated code "as is" did not work for me.
Alessio from ST kindly suggested to replace the code in one of the files as per thread:
You will need to replace this code every time you changed something in settings.
You can (and I believe have to) use 5.Y.4.
The communication works well.
Another valuable note from Alessio: Do not change much parameters in GUI:). i.e. If your motor is sensorless and you selected 6 step algorithm - leave it hall censored in GUI.
Good luck:)
Regards, Edward.