2020-05-17 6:57 PM
I will be using the STMF30x mostly for motor control using the ST library. I need to purchase a compiler/debugger and was wondering if the Keil MDK5 'Essential' version will work? I'm pretty much convinced I should use Keil on my windows based system but was wondering if the lower cost license version MDK5 "essentials" would do the job. I'm at a startup on a shoe-string budget with no time to cobble together an open development tool system. Thoughts? Experiences?
Solved! Go to Solution.
2020-05-18 9:48 AM
If you know Keil and are comfortable with it, go for it. It has a reliable debugger and excellent support (for paid versions ;)
It is not Eclipse.
The free Keil version for Cortex M4 is size limited to 32K.
They provide the same libraries as in the STM32 Cube, just re-packaged differently, using their own system, plus some "middlewares" of their own, which you likely won't need.
-- pa
2020-05-17 7:32 PM
Not sure that Kiel fits in with shoe-string budget, but yes it will work. STM32CubeIDE works fine with zero setup and is free. They all have their quirks. I mostly use CLion and like it but it was a pain to set up debugging.
2020-05-18 1:30 AM
I personally landed at using bare bone gcc/gdb with my favourite programmer editor, after having tried out several IDEs (having developed a deep loathing towards the eclipsoids in the process). IMO the threshold of getting into this setup is not that high as it's often said, especially for those who have past experience with other mcus. OTOH, as TDK said, IDEs tend to have quirks, each their own, and they are IMO overrated.
Having somebody available to talk to in case of troubles is worth million times more than any automation.
2020-05-18 1:47 AM
I use Atollic TrueStudio 9.3.0 (https://atollic.com/truestudio/), it's free. Obsolete because not maintained by ST, but works out of the box, and is of good quality (it was a commercial product at the time).
Twice faster than CubeIDE in compilation and debugging.
Good start for a reduced budget, then lets move on to something else easily.
2020-05-18 8:06 AM
I prefer Atollic TrueStudio too, it has more features than CubeIDE. Once CubeIDE will be finished (every function will be available which is in TrueStudio, like RTOS awareness), it will be better. But now it's not.
2020-05-18 9:48 AM
If you know Keil and are comfortable with it, go for it. It has a reliable debugger and excellent support (for paid versions ;)
It is not Eclipse.
The free Keil version for Cortex M4 is size limited to 32K.
They provide the same libraries as in the STM32 Cube, just re-packaged differently, using their own system, plus some "middlewares" of their own, which you likely won't need.
-- pa
2020-05-18 2:33 PM
Is it difficult porting an existing Keil project to TrueStudio?
2020-05-18 4:37 PM
I've never used Keil myself so I don't know but I think it's not a big work, you should be able to do it manually easy.
2020-10-14 9:36 AM
Dear @BTrem.1
Do you have still this problem to solve?
If yes, what did the answer help you?
Best regards
Laurent Ca...
2020-11-02 12:15 AM
Dear @BTrem.1
As you do not answer, I guess you don't have to solve this problem anymore, therefore I consider this thread closed.
If not, feel free to reopen it by posting a new answer.
Best regards
Laurent Ca...