2022-01-16 6:16 AM
2022-01-18 9:13 AM
Dear @�?�尹 冠
Welcome to the STM32 Community
We are very sorry, but we only manage questions in English.
By the way, could you also give more details to the STM32 Community about your setup -the material you use- ?
(HW and also SW: CPU(s), tools and versions, board(s), motor(s) and so on)
And more especially did you use STM32 MC tools (such as MC_suite, STM32 MC Motor Profile, STM32 MC SDK, STM32 MC Workbench, the used example, the origin of the base of your application source code, and so on)?
And eventually more details about your application...
Best regards
2022-01-20 5:07 AM
Thanks for your reply, my problem is solved. There is no process about six-step control in STMCDK5.X, and six-step control is in other categories. Thanks for your reply