2022-08-01 4:00 AM
Iam using STMotor workbench to run the BLDC motor,How to do sensorless method in STEVAL SPIN3201 board?
2022-08-01 5:18 AM
Sensored motor control (current sensing) = there are current sensors (1 2 or even 3) measuring current going trough each phase of the motor, those sensors feed your ADCs.
Sensorless motor control (voltage sensing or sometimes called trapezoidal)= you measure the phase voltage (BEMF) of each phase normally with a opamp , those op amps feed your ADCs.
>,How to do sensorless method in STEVAL SPIN3201 board?
there is an option in ST motor control bench
Click there
2022-08-02 3:47 AM
Thankyou for your reply sir,But i did all the possible ways to do BEMF method .theoretical part also iam having the current issues.Motor started to run suddenly it turning off.Its looks like not taking proper current.Is there anything else i should do appart from the rampup and selecting sensorless option in the workbench?
2022-08-02 4:42 AM
>> iam having the current issues
i didnt unserstand you here.
Is there any chance youre using the wrong motor profile?
What motor are you using?
Did you run the motor profiler tool?
2022-08-02 4:43 AM
>>started to run suddenly it turning off
It could also be that you configured the resistances wrong in the DC bus or the measuring resistors values.
I think youd have more chances to be helped here if you start elavorating more your setup, maybe pcitures and snapshots of the error
2022-08-02 4:51 AM
Iam using 60W motor and its nominal current is 6A 15V. With BEMF motor is running and it started to take current ,when its came upto 0.60A suddenly its turning off. Iam doing in STEVALSPIN3201 board .
2022-08-02 4:56 AM
2022-08-02 4:57 AM
2022-08-02 5:03 AM
Did you run the motor profiler tool?
2022-08-02 5:12 AM
Yes sir idid that