2017-05-26 6:14 AM
I am developing a product for a small company. Product has USB interface for connectivity.
USB has 3 different configuration: HID keyboard, CDC and composite CDC plus HID keyboard.
As I understand I need 3 PID number and proper .inf file. Also .inf file should be signed.
Customer wants that Windows recognizes device and uses standard driver for HID and CDC automatically. Is it possible without .inf file? Customer doesn�t want to provide driver for their device.
What VID/PID number can we use, should we request PID sublicensing from STMicroelectronics?
#usb #usb-hid #usb-cdc #usb-composite2017-06-07 1:09 AM
,For sublicensing VID/PID, you should contact your ST FAE to get a sublicensed PID.
About composite HID and CDC,
I will check this and come back to you soon.
2017-06-07 4:49 AM
,For composite HID and CDC,
it should work without driver.Regards
2017-06-07 6:50 AM
Hi Imen,
Thank you for replay.
I think, it should work without driver, too. But It didn't work in my case. It started work only after adding correct VID/PID and interface number to INF file.
Maybe USB descriptor is not correct. I'll double check it.
2018-01-22 3:27 AM
Hi Imen. Could you explain what the FAE means? UK local ST office does not know as well. I have the same problem with the PID as the OP had. I use in my device the STM32F303Rx micros.