Hai All,
I am working on STM32F205VET and I have enabled USB Mass storage, SD Card and FATFS. I need to use SD card and USB mass Storage at a time, that means need to access the files.But I found that based on the
FATFS_LinkDriver preference makes that one device in Disable mode. I am giving the Initialization function here.
void MX_FATFS_Init(void)
/*## FatFS: Link the USER driver ###########################*/
retUSER = FATFS_LinkDriver(&USER_Driver, USERPath);
/*## FatFS: Link the USBH driver ###########################*/
retUSBH = FATFS_LinkDriver(&USBH_Driver, USERPath);
/*Use the first link driver for SD card and second for USB*/
/* additional user code for init */
/* USER CODE END Init */
Can yo