2012-04-17 9:58 PM
I have an obvious question :
How do I implement SDCard as MassStorage on the Stm32f4Discovery Board ? Why is there Examples of this for the stm32F103 but not for the stm32F4discovery ? The wonderful 22examples for the Discovery are a lot less than the stm32f103 examples present. It seems like it should be a simple modifying of code. But, I find no examples or support for this anywhere at Stm or on the internet (besides my site). Has Anybody tried this Project yet ? #stm32f4discovery #stm3240g #epic-fail #msc2012-04-18 1:17 AM
2012-04-20 4:21 AM
See Mass Storage Project :
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2012-04-24 5:38 AM
I TESTED a WORKING Code Version on my Stm32F4Discovery Board for USB MSC Mass Storage with an SDCard.
Thank you to the User who sent me the Code. So, my Hardware implementation is Debugged. However, the Code is Keil Library Code - and does Not Compile under other Compilers. So, this will Not compile for Gcc, or Attolic, etc. Has anybody tried the Code that I Uploaded above on previous posting ? This Code should be close to Working on the Stm32f4Discovery Board; the Hardware configuration is the same as the Stm3240g Board - as is the Code - but only with the Clock changes. It connects as an USB Mass Storage Device on Windows - but Windows then reports back that 'Mass Storage Device does not start'.2012-04-25 12:13 AM
Problem solved.
- Use Stm3240g Fw 2.1.0 - HFE needs be set to 8000000 - PLL_M needs be set to 8 - Change SD_Detect from PH13 to PH1 or always Card Present. - LCD and LOG function calls can be commented out. - Change target to Stm32f4Discovery / Stm32F407VG2012-06-16 7:27 AM
2012-06-16 10:10 AM
HSE High Speed External
MSC Mass Storage Controller2012-06-17 7:57 AM
where can i change it (HSE)?
Also tell me which MSC to use device host or otg?2012-06-17 8:19 AM
The Discovery board uses a 8 MHz external crystal, not 25 MHz, you'll need to fix that.
HSE_VALUE PLL_M STM32_USB-Host-Device_Lib_V2.1.0\Libraries\CMSIS\Device\ST\STM32F4xx\Source\Templates\system_stm32f4xx.c STM32_USB-Host-Device_Lib_V2.1.0\Project\USB_Device_Examples\MSC\MDK-ARM You'll need to port a couple of the eval board specific settings (LED, pins, etc), remove the LCD stuff, and the calls thereto.2012-06-18 9:12 AM
Can you please tell me where are these calls for LCD and LED. Also tell me what are those changes required. What happens if i ignore it and try to run.