2023-10-29 2:20 AM - last edited on 2023-11-08 1:19 AM by Amel NASRI
Hello Sirs,
I am developing a project, a portable device, which attached a 12.6 V battery pack. The device can be power on both the battery pack and a 100W PD adapter. There are a power management IC to organize and select the power path dynamically.
Right now, every works fine, except the orientation of the type C detection.
If attached the battery(not dead state), only one orientation works normally, i.o. out put 20V, another orientation only output 5V, that is the default PDO value. It seems only CC1 or CC2 can be detected.
But if i removed the battery pack, two orientation both works normally. CC1/CC2 can be detected clearly corresponding to each orientation which I changed, plug/ unplug with a different orientation for the type C.
My question is that when there are a battery(or battery pack) attached, is that dead battery signal must be enable? The problem What I met is related with the i have not enable the dead battery signal?
Could somebody have experience on this topic?
Thank you very much!
2023-11-09 5:20 PM
2023-11-09 5:26 PM
@MROUV.1 ,
I have some doubts on ADC software programming when using PD libary, which described in upstairs, could you please also help to check?
Thank you very much.
2023-11-13 2:44 AM
Hello @Lmatt.11,
In your case you are using the BSP to control the TCPP chip on your board. This driver will configure the resources needed by itself, and is independent of CubeMX.
It will configure the I2C bus needed for TCPP communications and an ADC channel for VBUS sensing.
As this driver cannot be aware of your previous config in MX, it may overwrite it and that may has been the problem you encountered.
I suggest to use another free ADC for your application, or to tweak the BSP driver according to your board and application.
You can find what hardware resources will be used by the BSP/application in the files "***_conf.h" in your project.
2023-11-13 4:22 PM