2019-09-11 8:21 AM
I'm working with a Nucleo F429ZI, and I want to be able to make firmware updates to the board in the future, preferably through the board's USB port (not the ST-Link debugger USB, as this will be removed for my application.) I was wondering what the easiest way to do this was, and if anyone had any experience with this? I have found some documents on in-application programming (IAP) and device firmware upgrade (DFU). I'm wondering if I'm on the right track, and if there are opinions about which way is easier? Or if an alternative to using the USB might be worth considering?
2019-09-11 9:24 AM
>>I was wondering what the easiest way to do this was, and if anyone had any experience with this?
I think most of us are employed to be able to achieve such things.
You could use the Ethernet connection, IAP examples doing that floating about. You could write your own USB-DFU firmware. Not sure if the User USB connection is on the right pins/port to support the System ROM's Loader. Review App Note AN2606. The IAP examples should provide understanding of how to partition the loader/app.
If you had some USB-MSC Host you could pull firmware updates from a Flash Drive, or external hard drive.