2011-07-21 4:57 AM
we are using an STM32F105 as USB device in conjunction with a special configuration program, that runs on a PC. If we use a PC with Windows XP, the USB driver is automatically installed and all works fine. But if we try the same with a PC running Windows Vista or 7, a driver is NOT automatically installed and the device is marked as 'not working'. The only way to avoid this, is a prior installation of the 'dfuSe' package. After installation of this package, the USB connection works, if you connect the MCU and the PC. Is there any other way (for driver installation), without prior installation ofthe 'dfuSe' package ? Thanks for all answers ! Regards moardy #usb-virtual-com-port #stm32-usb #windows-7 #windows-7 #windows-vista #usb #vcp #usb
2011-07-22 1:05 AM
have you tried this Virtual COM Port Driver from ST? http://www.st.com/internet/com/SOFTWARE_RESOURCES/SW_COMPONENT/SW_DRIVER/vcpdriver_v1.zip Best Tom2011-07-22 3:04 AM
Hi Tom,
thanks for your post. I just tried it with Windows 7 and it works. Thank you ! Best regards moardy2011-07-22 4:39 AM
i have a question regarding the ''Virtual COM Port Driver''.
Is it allowed to place this download file (vcpdriver_v1.zip) on our own web space as download link, or must we offer a direct download link to the st.com page ?
Best Regards
2011-07-25 5:53 AM
Is here a forum administrator who can answer my question (see above) or should i generate a new thread for my question?
Thx for answer
2011-07-26 4:23 AM
no answer till now...
I also tried to get an answer by sending a support request. The ticket number i get looks like: ''Request ID #HD000xxxxxxxxxxxxx'' Created successfully !!''
2011-07-27 1:15 AM
^^ my daily
Today i have an answer for my ticket number. I should contact one of the following pages:
Technical Support : https://my.st.com/onlinesupport/app?page=onlineSupport
Sales Support: https://my.st.com/onlinesupport/app?page=questionToSalesSo i contact both.
But i am wondering why no forum administrator can reply my question...
answer by online support:
Dear customer,
we warmly recomend to use a link to original resource on ST web page. This is the most save solution in order to refer to the newest version of driver (these drivers are updated irregularly).
ST support
2011-07-28 2:45 AM
/solved by online support request
my Question: Is it allowed to place this download file on our own homepage as download file, or must we offer a direct link to your st.com page ?
first support answer: Dear customer, we warmly recomend to use a link to original resource on ST web page. This is the most save solution in order to refer to the newest version of driver (these drivers are updated irregularly).
final support answer: yes, it is allowed.
Our previous recommendation was not meant as a link to the driver file, but link to dedicated sub_page on our web. This is save solution, covering any change of driver file name as well as publishment of additional (related) tools and utilities.
2011-07-28 5:09 AM
/confused (i just got a new answer)
i have contact both supports: technical as well as sales. Each support request gets a different answer:
first answer)
yes, it is allowed.
Our previous recommendation was not meant as a link to the driver file, but link to dedicated sub_page on our web. This is save solution, covering any change of driver file name as well as publishment of additional (related) tools and utilities.
second answer)
Dear User,
Please find here below latest information concerning the request RXXXXXXXX
Software driver for VISTA/7 is ST proprietary, you can use only the link to the driver specified on ST server.
I give up. No more *push*. I am really confused...
2011-07-28 10:35 AM
Here is attached the lasted updated CDC Virtual COM Port driver for our STM32 devices, It is already WHQL Certified at Microsoft and published at WindowsUpdate web site : - Microsoft Windows 2000 family, - Microsoft Windows XP family, x86 - Microsoft Windows XP family, x64 - Microsoft Windows Vista family, x86 - Microsoft Windows Vista family, x64 - Microsoft Windows 7 You can just plug our demo on your PC, then Go the Microsoft Update web site, automatically it will be downloaded on your PC. In what regards, the distribution of the installation, we recommend to refer to our web site pages, but you can put them at your own web pages provided that it will be used ONLY with ST Products : STM32 or others . Cheers, STONe- ________________ Attachments : VCP_V1.3.1_Setup.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0aB&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000ban%2FEe.bGA9DBAAe5MECmAv0lbyAoZVYBmqbnww5RysL2JI&asPdf=false