2014-12-11 9:20 AM
I recently had the pleasure of modifying the IAR standard library files so that C++ streams can be used to write to files on an SD card on an STM3220G-EVAL board. This was a fun experience which included implementation of the functions the functions __open(), __close(), __lseek(), __read(), __write(), __remove(), __rename(). I haven't seen any information on the internet as to how this it done but I thought I would at least share this information with the world as a starting point for others who might need to do the same thing. If you know of any standard implementation for doing this sort of thing then can someone please let me know?
#fatfs-c++-iar-stm3220g-eval2016-08-11 3:42 PM
Hi Scott,
I know this is a little late, but I am currently looking at doing this exact thing. When you said you wanted to share the information did you mean you wanted to share the code, or just the function names you needed to modify. Before I dive into the implementation I wanted to see if you were willing to share your code or if you found any other good info on the matter. I've already got the fatfs built and working on my system and storage chip, I just need the stream functions! Thanks! Dave