2012-06-17 10:34 AM
I have an AIS650 connected with USB to PC running Windows 7 64bit. The STMicroelectronics VCP driver (v1.3.1) is loaded. The COM port keeps dropping out.
Sometimes the following error appears:Activation context generation failed for ''C:\Program Files (x86)\STMicroelectronics\Software\Virtual COM Port Driver\dpinst_ia64.exe''. Dependent Assembly Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls,language=''&&sharpx2a;'',processorArchitecture=''ia64'',publicKeyToken=''6595b64144ccf1df'',type=''win32'',version='''' could not be found. Please use sxstrace.exe for detailed diagnosis.
The software that is trying to use the COM port fails The port 'COM6' does not exist. System.IO.IOException: The port 'COM6' does not exist. at MaxSea.IO.Ports.Internal.ThreadedPhysicalPort.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 count) at lx.b(). This failure is a critical part of Navigation software and I need to find a solution to this issue. I would be grateful for any assistance. #stm32-vcp2012-06-17 1:33 PM
Does your PC mount Itanium processor (IA-64)?
In the error message, dpinst_ia64.exe is referred, which is the driver installation utility for thie processor. As of 64bit PC, x64(-86) is more popular than IA-64. Tsuneo