2014-01-28 6:02 AM
USB Virtual Com Port example doesn't work on device modeI have a uC card wtih stm32f107 which works host and FS mode, reads Flash disc.. Now I am trying eval vcp example, I made necessary changes but it doesnt work even I put break points on main and systick. Something is wrong about VCP example with CL devices.My other question does VBus need to be open manually for device mode? Because on host mode we read flash disc by ''USBH_USR_MSC_Application'' event. #usb-vcp2016-10-18 3:55 AM
Hello everyone,
I using STM32F070 microcontroller and following example below for USB CDC:STM32Cube_FW_F0_V1.6.0\Projects\STM32072B_EVAL\Applications\USB_Device\CDC_StandaloneI have made it work using CDC standalone but the issue is that I was previously following CMSIS library and the example of CDC standalone follows HAL, I am new Hal and don't want to switch, any working example of USB via cmsis would be helpful.I would be grateful if anybody help me in this regard. Thankyou