2018-09-02 12:13 AM
Hi .I use CDC to transmit data to computer .
I want to transmit big array to the computer using CDC_Transmit_FS
what is the maximum buffer length that support this function ?
this is my code:
CDC_Transmit_FS((uint8_t *)buffer,(uint16_t)73728);
but some amount of data lost in the computer.
2018-09-02 04:24 AM
When you cast to uint16 then the highest value is 2^16=65536.
I don't know if the function support a length value of uint32. If not you must split your array.
2018-09-02 08:40 AM
Confusing a limitation of the API with a bug.
>> If not you must split your array.
Indeed, going to need to iterate through the array breaking into pieces which fit through the interface.
That's never going to be viable, and going to fail in any/all applications of such a cast.
2018-09-02 09:26 AM
Hi thanks for your response
in usbd_cdc.h
typedef struct
uint32_t data[CDC_DATA_HS_MAX_PACKET_SIZE/4]; /* Force 32bits alignment */
uint8_t CmdOpCode;
uint8_t CmdLength;
uint8_t *RxBuffer;
uint8_t *TxBuffer;
uint32_t RxLength;
uint32_t TxLength;
__IO uint32_t TxState;
__IO uint32_t RxState;
Tx lenght is 32 bits so do you think I can change
input functions to uint32_t Len?
2018-09-02 10:27 AM
> so do you think I can change USBD_CDC_SetTxBuffer CDC_Transmit_FS
input functions to uint32_t Len?
You do not want to tinker with USBD_CDC_SetTxBuffer because it is part of the library maintained by ST.
CDC_Transmit_FS is OK to modify, it is part of your code (generated from a template, though). For example, you can a do a loop there.
-- pa
2018-09-03 01:15 PM
This question is also dependent on your target. If you are using a chip with OTG cores, the maximum length is limited by the peripheral, but on chips with normal USB the length is software limited only.
2018-09-04 03:55 AM
Yes I test on stm32f4discovery with 32 bit length not worked I must split array.
it has OTG cores .