2019-11-14 4:16 AM
I'm trying read/write files from Fat FS from usb pendrive throught my custom board using STM32F7 MCU and I have a initialitzation problem in some usb pendrive. I was testing with 2 diferent usb pendrive, one with 2Gb and the other 32Gb. The 2Gb pendrive works fine and i can read/write files. The 32Gb pendrive is not complete the initialization process. I was enable the USBH_DEBUG_LEVEL 3 to see more information about USB Host Library and what I can see is the 32Gb pendrive is waiting the answer of Inquiry Vendor, Product, Version in the second LUN (See the debug lines)
USB Device Attached
PID: 917h
VID: 1f75h
Address (#1) assigned.
Manufacturer : Innostor
Product : PenDrive
Serial Number : 54509570156160
Enumeration done.
This device has only 1 configuration.
Default configuration set.
Switching to Interface (#0)
Class : 8h
SubClass : 6h
Protocol : 50h
MSC class started.
Number of supported LUN: 2
LUN #0:
Inquiry Vendor : Innostor
Inquiry Product : Innostor
Inquiry Version : 1.00
MSC Device ready
MSC Device capacity : 1546649088 Bytes
Block number : 61741055
Block Size : 512
LUN #1:
Could be the size a problem?
Has someone any suggestion of what can do in this case of a incomplete initialization?
Thank you for your suggestions
Best regards