2023-02-07 06:59 PM
Is it possible to use endpoints after 6 in STM32F4 OTG_HS?
Endpoint 6 and later of OTG_HS_DAINTMSK register cannot be unmasked. Other OTG_HS registers have only up to 5, so I would like to know if only 0 to 5 can be used.
Thank you.
2023-02-08 01:10 AM
Hi @修 新妻
If max endpoint in MCU is 6, this value includes endpoint 0 . endpoint 0 is used for control transfers and 5 other endpoint for others transfers (bulk, iso ,interrupt).
2023-02-13 08:34 PM
Thank you for answering.
But what I want to know is, can 6 or 7 be used as the endpoint address number?
2023-02-14 01:07 AM
Can you please specify what target device F4 are you using?
2023-02-14 01:18 AM
I plan to use STM32F417ZGT6.
2023-02-14 01:41 AM
referring to datasheet of this product 2.2.31 Universal serial bus on-the-go high-speed (OTG_HS)
max endpoint in OTG is 6 so (EP0 is used for control and 5 other endpoint (EP1 -> EP5) can be used for USB classes).