2019-05-28 9:17 AM
Hi, I'm trying to save data into a usb with and STM32F7
I have no problems doing it till I try to unplug the usb, if i do that (even not saving or with the closed file) the cpu is just stuck there, and i cannot debug cause it doesn't seem to be dead always on a specific line but it seems just to be waiting something happening forever
The only thing I managed to understand debugging is that I managed to get it working once by raising the usb management task priority to maximum from MXCube, but in that case i had to wait for like 6-7 seconds before the cpu resumed running normal operations.
Is this priority thing necessary? How high do I have to raise it? Or am I doing something wrong that causes the system to stuck on unplug? I'm asking because i couldn't consistently repeat the same situation
Thank you