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USB HID and bulk transfer

Posted on November 12, 2011 at 14:13


I am editing Custom HID example (with LEDs and buttons). I extended max frame length to 32B. There is implemented control and interrupt transfer. This causes maksimum transfer can be only up to 64kB/s. Is possible to implement bulk transfer instead of interrupt transfer? In HID documentation I read HID works with coltrol and interrupt transfer but I think over possibility of compatibility HID and bulk.

Associate II
Posted on November 14, 2011 at 10:10

You should use some other class then, like CDC.

Associate II
Posted on November 14, 2011 at 11:21


I'm currently reading ''USB Complete Forth Edition'' which is really good up to now ;)

HID class requires interrupt endpoint by specification, so officially no you can't.

Now is the windows driver able to handle that, not sure at all.

The ''right'' solution is to implement another class. HID is for Humain Interface Device (Mice, Keyboards) and thus is supposed to require fixed interval polling.

VCP is probably a good option too, but it requires a specific driver (no built-in driver in Windows) ... I guess this is why you would like to use HID, I'm in the same situation ;)

Associate II
Posted on November 16, 2011 at 16:09


I want to implement a messaging system between Windows and an embedded system based on a STM32 using USB a transport system.

Therefore I'm looking for the simplest way to transfer messages via USB between Windows and the embedded system, i.e. without developing a WIndows Device Driver for the USB data transfer.

Currently I have WinUSB in mind.

Have someone

experience with WinUSB in connection with a vendor specific interface class?


Posted on November 18, 2011 at 09:10

Thx HGlauS

This WinUSB looks nice: . I have problem because I can't transfer data to my device by WriteFile and ReadFile, they always works in interrupt mode. Now I think i will try to use this driver to transfer data in control mode to HID or in bulk mode to VCP.