2012-02-21 11:12 PM
Hi, just unboxed my new STM32F4-Discovery board. LEDs shine and blink brilliantly, but where to find a suitable USB driver for my old and faithful WinXP laptop? Letting the PC find the driver did not result in anything. Thanks, Tom
#usb-driver2012-02-22 4:51 AM
ST-LINK drivers perhaps?
2012-02-23 8:44 AM
Hello Clive
Thanks for your response. I downloaded and ran st-link_v2_usbdriver but the status of my USB port on the PC did not change. It shows in yellow colour that the USB port named ''STM32 STLink'' is still without a driver. Any further ideas? Tom2012-02-23 10:12 AM
The third link pointed to a page for the only other ST-LINK driver (1.0.4) for which this is a direct link.
There are drivers with the Keil eval, I don't recall which I ended up installing.2012-02-23 11:14 PM
Thanks again, Clive. Your link pointed me to a sizeable file, about 11 MB. Usually USB drivers are much smaller. Anyway, I downloaded it and executed. Seemingly, nothing happened on my PC. But the red LED near Discovery board´s USB connector went steady after blinking all the time sofar. So I guess something happened there.
However, a simple piece of code (Blinky.c) being compiled on Keil uVision4 did not want download to the Discovery board. All in all, lousy documentation from ST, nothing said about the USB driver for the STM32 Discovery board. I will try further on... Best regards, Tom2012-08-29 12:09 PM
I have some similar problem with my new STM32F4 Discovery board. Neither my xp macine nor my windows 7 machine can recognize the board. The led lights are able to blinking. But the device driver is not able to install, the device is showing unknown in the device management.
I wonder if there is any technical support from STMicroelectronics.Do I need to download some driver to install it manually from your website? Because I don't see any CD comes with the board.Thanks.2012-08-29 2:39 PM
No, technical support is generally not available for $10 boards, this is a user forum with little participation from ST. Commercial customers will typically have access via a representative or FAE.
The board does not come with a CD, code on CD's tends to get woefully out of date and adds expense, best to pull current code, examples and drivers from the web. Please review the links to the pages and drivers above, try that. For Keil you might want to try ''ST-LINK Deprecated'' , and be aware the discovery boards use SWD mode, not JTAG. ST-LINK's can have conflicts with applications like Daemon Tools.2015-03-13 1:48 AM
here the link specifying the steps for initial instalation