2013-07-09 11:09 AM
Hello everybody (This about USB VCP)
i started an application to send and receive data from PC to STM32F4 discovery i used the titorial provided by STmicro, but the problem i'm not able to sent to the STM32F4Discovery (PC to STM32), only from Discovery to PCi use this function to send to PC, she work fine, but i can't find how receive data from PC, anything can help me.
The function blow provide to send Data to PC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------static uint16_t VCP_DataTx (uint8_t* Buf, uint32_t Len)
if (linecoding.datatype == 7)
APP_Rx_Buffer[APP_Rx_ptr_in] = USART_ReceiveData(EVAL_COM1) & 0x7F;
else if (linecoding.datatype == 8)
APP_Rx_Buffer[APP_Rx_ptr_in] = USART_ReceiveData(EVAL_COM1);
/* To avoid buffer overflow */
if(APP_Rx_ptr_in == APP_RX_DATA_SIZE)
APP_Rx_ptr_in = 0;
return USBD_OK;
} #usb-vcp-need-receive-function
2013-07-09 11:23 AM
As I recall I just had the VCP_DataRx() routine send data out the USART, but it could just as easily put it in a buffer.
2013-07-17 11:32 AM
Clive is correct it is the following function that receives the data from the PC (via usb) and passes the data to the UART.
/** * @brief VCP_DataRx * Data received over USB OUT endpoint are sent over CDC interface * through this function. * * @note * This function will block any OUT packet reception on USB endpoint * untill exiting this function. If you exit this function before transfer * is complete on CDC interface (ie. using DMA controller) it will result * in receiving more data while previous ones are still not sent. * * @param Buf: Buffer of data to be received * @param Len: Number of data received (in bytes) * @retval Result of the opeartion: USBD_OK if all operations are OK else VCP_FAIL */static uint16_t VCP_DataRx (uint8_t* Buf, uint32_t Len){ uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < Len; i++) { USART_SendData(EVAL_COM1, *(Buf + i) ); while(USART_GetFlagStatus(EVAL_COM1, USART_FLAG_TXE) == RESET); } return USBD_OK;}If you are looking for the trail the data travels, the data comes from the PC over usb which is handled by the USBD_CDC library through function usbd_cdc_DataOut /** * @brief usbd_cdc_DataOut * Data received on non-control Out endpoint * @param pdev: device instance * @param epnum: endpoint number * @retval status */static uint8_t usbd_cdc_DataOut (void *pdev, uint8_t epnum){ uint16_t USB_Rx_Cnt; /* Get the received data buffer and update the counter */ USB_Rx_Cnt = ((USB_OTG_CORE_HANDLE*)pdev)->dev.out_ep[epnum].xfer_count; /* USB data will be immediately processed, this allow next USB traffic being NAKed till the end of the application Xfer */ APP_FOPS.pIf_DataRx(USB_Rx_Buffer, USB_Rx_Cnt); /* Prepare Out endpoint to receive next packet */ DCD_EP_PrepareRx(pdev, CDC_OUT_EP, (uint8_t*)(USB_Rx_Buffer), CDC_DATA_OUT_PACKET_SIZE); return USBD_OK;}the APP_FOPS.pIf_DataRx(USB_Rx_Buffer, USB_Rx_Cnt); command passes it to your defined handler which is configured with a define in your usbd_conf.h file#define APP_FOPS VCP_fopsHopefully this helps enough.