2018-02-26 1:02 AM
I am working on a nucleo STM32H7 and I am trying to communicate with a Hokuyo through USB.
When I connect the device the init fails at some point in the usbh_cdc.c (USBH_CDC_InterfaceInit)
In this function there is first:
interface = USBH_FindInterface(phost,
COMMON_AT_COMMAND); //0x01then another one that fails:
interface = USBH_FindInterface(phost,
DATA_INTERFACE_CLASS_CODE, RESERVED, NO_CLASS_SPECIFIC_PROTOCOL_CODE);Could someone explain to me why the second function is called with different parameters?
Can I change those parameters to match the device's Class?
Here is the log:
USB| USB Device Attached
USB| PID: 0hUSB| VID: 15d1hUSB| Address (&sharp1) assigned.USB| Manufacturer : Hokuyo Data Flex for USBUSB| Product : URG-Series USB DriverUSB| Serial Number : N/AUSB| Enumeration done.USB| This device has only 1 configuration.USB| Default configuration set.USB| Switching to Interface (&sharp0)USB| Class : 2hUSB| SubClass : 2hUSB| Protocol : 1hDEBUG: Cannot Find the interface for Data Interface Class.USB| Device not supporting CDC class.#usbh #stm32h72018-08-10 9:41 AM
Sorry, bumping old zombie unanswered threads off my feed