2018-03-14 06:03 AM
Hi, I'm not sure if this should be a discussion or a question, so I'm posting both...
I'm hoping to hook up a Nucleo-F746ZG to an external codec eval board from Analog Devices.
My current plan is to start with the AUDIO_Standalone application that comes with STM32Cube_FW_F7_V1.9.0 (for the STM32F769I_EVAL) and glue that into my Nucleo-F746ZG based platform.
Ignoring issues related to the different codec, is there any reason why I shouldn't be able to do this?
#nucleo-f746 #stm32-audio-usb2018-03-20 05:36 AM
Well, apparently no interest here; but just to follow up on my own question for anyone reading this in the future...
I was able to do this on the Nucleo-F746ZG but simply starting with (and adjusting a bit) the '746 Discovery AUDIO_Standalone project.
2018-03-20 07:01 AM
Well, perhaps I spoke too soon...
The code as it stands now only runs as a audio output (usb speaker).
There doesn't appear to be any support for usb-device audio input within stm32Cube.
Can anyone confirm that this is true and if so, are there any examples elsewhere that demonstrate usb-device audio-input?