2019-10-23 09:27 PM
I am using STM32F7 and I'm trying to make USB and CAN work.But i am finding issues in making it work at same time.I have generated the project via cubeMX .
I have set the PLLM i.e.,Division factor for PLL VCO input clock as 8 and PLLN i.,eMultiplication factor for PLL VCO output clock as 216, PLLQ is 9 in this instance only my USB is working but USB clock is 24Mhz i dont know how it is working.
i have another instance in that PLLM as 25 and PLLN as 432 ,CAN works sometimes but not all the time.
I'm using 16mHz crystal oscillator and even i tried with PLLM as 16,still doesn't work.
What could be the issue ?anyone have idea how to solve this?