2017-03-26 1:33 AM
Good day!
There is '
'. And as I understand, it is used in System memory firmware.But is there a source code of this firmware and/or of this protocol (for STM3F40x)?
#stm32f4-discovery #stm32f4 #firmware #bootloader #usart2017-03-27 1:51 AM
,The bootloader is programmed by ST during production and the software is not provided.
However, you can refer to the application note : Programming an external Flash memory using the UART bootloader built-in STM32 microcontrollers. This application note is provided with an example firmware 'http://www.st.com/en/embedded-software/x-cube-extboot.html
' showing how to program an external Quad-SPI flash memory using a developed user boot-code based on the internal UART bootloader protocol.You may refer to the provided example to develop your own bootloader. I think it will really help you.
2017-03-27 2:12 AM
Few years back, plugged a bluetooth HC-05/06 cheap module and ironed out an Android App to bootload F103/L151 32kb code. The app notes were explicit enough to work with in the android app development. The only thing to remember was to make sure EVEN parity bit has to be set, and run 115200bps which makes loading more than 32kb quite long...
2017-03-27 2:21 AM
, thanks for replies!Centauris.Alpha
, I need an exact AN3155 protocol realization's source code...garsi.khouloud
, don't you know some open sourced implementations of AN3155 (controller-side part)?2017-03-27 6:27 AM
?2017-03-27 8:28 AM
Seemed to recall the Flash Loader Demonstrator code had some source, but the protocol isn't inherently complex, we built our own apps here.
2017-03-28 4:42 AM
, no, it's PC-side part, not MCU-side.2017-03-28 2:08 PM
ST does not provide source code for the MCU's System Loader.
It is in OTP/ROM and is not replaceable.
ST provides some IAP (In-Application Programming) examples, where the code resides in FLASH, and new firmware is pulled via USART, Ethernet, USB Flash, etc.