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Update Schedule of HAL_Eth

Associate III

Hi, is it possible to get a round-about info on the expected Hal-Eth update?

In the release notes of the Hal-Driver it is flagged as "A full rework of the ETH HAL driver is planned.." , but the last release has been in February.

I would like to avoid spending time rewriting the current driver, only to have to rewrite it again after the next release to get it back to canon again.

@Imen DAHMEN​ @Amel NASRI​ Do you maybe have the possibility to make an estimate here? E.G. in the next weeks, or within the next months, or still in tbd stage?

PS: In the Milestone for 1.10. of github I did not see any tickets regarding the driver rework.

Associate III

As the main problem with the driver seems to the generated ethernetif.c a rework seems improbable.

My guess is based on the following:

1) no answer from ST here (only a few days, still possible 🙂 )

2) not a lot of action in github regarding that driver for the last year.

3) a rework (using an rtos) has been suggested from allister and prepared a few years ago, but no reaction. The same for some other posts meant to sum up the current problems.

4) Current driver is also used in NetXDuo -> compatibility between lwip (ethernetif.c) and NetXDuo (nx_stm32_eth_driver.c) looks like a point that would make a rework of generation of ethernetif.c difficult.

-> So I guess in the near future there is no other way left then to get close and personal with that driver and interface, while excluding it from being overwritten by cubemx.