2016-04-18 05:54 PM
I am studying the feasibility that using ST ROM bootloader I2C mode to program my application. Here have several questions:
1) does the STM32L4 bootloader supports the I2C? I find a AN2606 doc, but it does not state if STM32L4 bootloader support I2C or not. 2) Any I2C can be used or only certain I2C can be used? 3) Any PC program available? Now I see there is a stm32flash project, but not sure my USB2I2c(from Cypress) bridge can be used. thanks a lot. #stm32 #i2c #bootloader2016-04-19 01:52 AM
Hi jiang.peng,
•Refer to the Table 96. STM32L476xx/486xx configuration in system memory boot mode in the to show the I2C hardware resources and requirements for the device bootloader.•I recommend you to have a look to the application note about I2C protocol used in the STM32 bootloader-Syrine-