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STM32L0 RTC_LSI (calibration) example appears not to work.

Associate II

This is the firmware I'm using: STM32Cube_FW_L0_V1.11.0  I'm using the Nucleo-L073RZ board and example. The RTC_LSI example does not work. The LED goes blank after pressing the user button. The Readme says this indicates some kind of error.  I can't post the code as its too long. What do I do? Can someone provide a fix or an explanation for why the example does not work? Thank you.

Mohamed Aymen HZAMI
ST Employee


I tried this example on the nucleo board and it works well.

In the readme file, the board revision is rev. c, check the review of your board or maybe you change some of the soldiers bridge.

Best Regards,

Mohamed Aymen.