2020-10-30 4:54 AM
I have met an issue regarding STM32H750 revision change. Originally we used old MCU package v1.5.0 which is not compatible with revision V. It fills wrong value into RCC_HSICFGR register and HSI runs on wrong frequency then. This was fixed in newer MCU packages using HAL but I have found that there probably still is a bug when using LL driver. In SystemClock_Config() there is a line which does not seem to be correct
I would also ask why MCU packages even set this register when it is on correct value after reset?
best regards
2020-10-30 6:14 AM
> This was fixed in newer MCU packages using HAL
You sure? Which ones? It's still there in the H7.
Edit: oh they actually did fix it, mostly.
2020-10-30 6:54 AM
> Edit: oh they actually did fix it, mostly.
yes, it seems that it is somehow fixed in the HAL, but not in LL
Actually I do not understand why they even touch these registers, it will be easier to keep the reset value.
2020-10-30 8:10 AM