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STM32h7 AZURE RTOS USB FS CDC example is available?

Associate II


I am working on NUCLEO-H745ziq board. The board support USB FS. I have to configure USB as CDC in AZURE RTOS . The example are provided for HS , so there is any example for FS CDC AZURE RTOS configuration. I am first time working on this AZURE RTOS so can you please help me.

ST Employee

Hi @MDeva.1​ ,

AZURE RTOS USB device CDC example is available in CubeIDE as shown in the figure below.

0693W00000NrdFIQAZ.pngThe example when used for the NUCLEO-U575ZI-Q, STM32L49I-DISCO and STM32F769I-DISCO boards provides the FS. You can follow one of these examples and when based on this article, you can define the compatibility of the example with the NUCLEO-H745ziq board. 


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ST Employee

I try this example for Nucleo-H745ziq , the USB port is detected . In device manger i set the baudarete 115200 for usb and USART3 but when I try to open the port usb in Tera terminal is goes in not responding mode why these happen ? can you help me0693W00000NsGEiQAN.png