2019-08-20 2:07 AM
I am working on custom board based on stm32f769ni and trying to bring up USB HS port .I have used same code provided for stm32f769ni eval board.when i am using USB HS port with otg cable(8gb pendrive) ,code is executing till "HOST_DEV_WAIT_FOR_ATTACHMENT" from "HOST_IDLE" But it is not moving to "HOST_DEV_ATTACHED" state."phost->device.PortEnabled" is never set and is always in HAL_DELAY() function.Custom board does not have HSE oscillator.so i have choosen HSI(16MHZ) as PLL source ,and system clock is 200 MHZ.
Any ideas how to resolve this.
1) I tried changing "TICK_INT_PRIORITY" to 0. but there is no change in the result.