2020-06-18 4:08 AM
I have used CubeMX to generate a project with All defaults + LwIP enabled (no RTOS) and it runs well. I receive an IP address via DHCP and can ping the board. When I add the FreeRTOS with CubeMX the TCP stack is not running. No ARP, no DHCP and no Ping response. Can you please help me fix this? I must have RTOS to run TCP Socket server. I have spent days scouring forums but can't find any solutions.
2020-06-20 12:56 AM
ST's non-working HAL/Cube bloatware is broken and it doesn't follow lwIP API and other rules:
2020-06-20 2:09 AM
Wow, you said it! I have read the thread you referenced, thank you, and have tried the changes, but it still does not work. There is something fundamentally broken in the CubeMX code, it seems the TCP stack is not running when RTOS is enabled. Until that is fixed I can't really go further. What would be awesome is if you could maybe post a minimal working project for the STM32F767ZI. Just enough to have an RTOS task running with LwIP that would respond to a ping. Is there any chance you could do that? STM is not supporting their code at all.