2020-04-22 3:04 PM
we would like to run USB MSC example using STM32CUbe IDE tools
HAL V1.16
hardware STM32F746 Discovery board
Using Internal USB PHY, 12 Mbit.
we start with demo applications located
code compiles and application run as a charm.
Then we created STM32Cube project enabling and configuring all desired peripherals, such USB Host, FATFS and etc...
We have also compared all desired settings between demo code and our application.
Code compile and runs, we can detect USB drive plug unplug as well when FATFS is mounted.
what we experiencing is :
HOST_USER_CLASS_ACTIVE event is never getting fired.
We have enable USB debug messages see bellow:
USB 00.00.05
menu task MSC_DEMO_START appli_state 0
USB Device Connected
USB Device Reset Completed
FAT LINK driver OK
volume mount is success
PID: 6387h
VID: 58fh
Address (#1) assigned.
Manufacturer : Generic
Product : Mass Storage
Serial Number : 20435F1F
Enumeration done.
This device has only 1 configuration.
Default configuration set.
Switching to Interface (#0)
Class : 8h
SubClass : 6h
Protocol : 50h
Device not supporting MSC class
last message "Device not supporting MSC class."
It was similar topic discussed a year ago within ST community:
we did follow recommendations and apparently automatically generated code already addressed proposed fixes.
We would like to get some hints from the Community how to fix our problem.
Thank you,