2013-10-16 12:03 PM
Hello everybody,
I am stuck during these last days with my STM32F429i-DISCO.I tried to use it as USB device, CDC class as a VCP.I have configured the as USE_USB_OTG_HS, USE_EMBEDDED_PHY.Configure the HS_ISR, Enable the HS_ISR, Enable the RCC clock, configure the PINS.My PC see the USB device, but not correctly recognized. The SW is stuck in the OTG_HS ISR (triggered infinitly...).Anyone has the same problems ?Anyone success to configure USB device VCP ?I made some checks about PINS and frequencies with guys from the community, put the frequency to 168 Mhz and update the HSE to 8Mhz ... but without success.Thank your for your feedback about USB device VCP experience ... #stm32f4 #usb #otg #dual_role2013-10-16 12:51 PM
As I've done before with the STM32F4-DISCO, I ported STM32_USB-Host-Device_Lib_V2.1.0\Project\USB_Device_Examples\VCP to the STM32F429I-Discovery_FW_V1.0.0 release an it's USB libraries.
I have it using USART1 and have PA9/PA10 externally looped so I can see echo from my PC's terminal app. It's taken a bit of work to get it to this point, and I'm building under Keil. Using the x64 v1.3.1.0 driver2013-10-16 2:51 PM
That's sound good.
Where did you find this VCP example ?Is there any chance you send me your SW ?Thanks again.2013-10-16 3:01 PM
I find in the forum one of your post with the following link :
https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B7OY5pub_GfIdnREeExyRWNXbFE/edit?usp=drive_webI will try migrate it to STM32F429-DISCO ...2013-10-16 4:12 PM
I'll need to get it into a releasable form
2013-10-17 2:46 PM
2013-10-18 7:42 AM
Thanks a lot, I will try this during this week-end and I will keep you inform. I hope I will understand what was going wrong ...
Thanks again.2013-10-22 9:11 AM
Your SW is working on my board.
I did not have a look what was going wrong in mine, but yours is working well.Thanks.2014-03-20 7:41 PM
I apologize for resurrecting this thread.
I am currently getting started in programming on St microcontrollers. Currently I am working on the stm32f429 iDisco board, like the original poster.I am working with the arm embedded toolchain, using Eclipse as IDE.I cannot figure out how to build the project you linked. Anything I try, i get a number of errors. Most of them appear to be related to missing headers.For my previous tests (just causing leds to blink, since I am a beginner) I have been using the stm32Cube tool (which I find to be rather a mess, but that is beside the point), so now I am not sure where to put what.I put all headers in an ''inc'' floder, and all source files in a ''src'' folder. Both are in my workspace, and the ''inc'' folder is in the include path.I defined the symbols:USE_STM32F429I_DISCOUSB_OTG_HS_COREUSE_USB_OTG_HSUSE_EMBEDDED_PHYSet like that, I have a compiler error:C:\Users\Matteo\Documents\ST\STM32F4\VCP2\inc/stm32f429i_discovery.h:231:40: error: unknown type name 'USART_InitTypeDef'I thought to solve it by adding #include ''stm32f4xx_usart.h'' to the faulty header, but this causes 144 more errors (mostly 'something' undeclared, with some related to attempting to access members of structs for which the declaration cannot be found).Would you be able to help me figure this out? (Ideally you would give me a solution, and I would magically understand what is going on: since I am not that clever, please if you can explain what is going on).Best,Matteo2014-03-20 7:42 PM
(I'm sorry for double post... I had a server error... Now I can't find how to delete a post)
I apologize for resurrecting this thread.I am currently getting started in programming on St microcontrollers. Currently I am working on the stm32f429 iDisco board, like the original poster.I am working with the arm embedded toolchain, using Eclipse as IDE.I cannot figure out how to build the project you linked. Anything I try, i get a number of errors. Most of them appear to be related to missing headers.For my previous tests (just causing leds to blink, since I am a beginner) I have been using the stm32Cube tool (which I find to be rather a mess, but that is beside the point), so now I am not sure where to put what.I put all headers in an ''inc'' floder, and all source files in a ''src'' folder. Both are in my workspace, and the ''inc'' folder is in the include path.I defined the symbols:USE_STM32F429I_DISCOUSB_OTG_HS_COREUSE_USB_OTG_HSUSE_EMBEDDED_PHYSet like that, I have a compiler error:C:\Users\Matteo\Documents\ST\STM32F4\VCP2\inc/stm32f429i_discovery.h:231:40: error: unknown type name 'USART_InitTypeDef'I thought to solve it by adding #include ''stm32f4xx_usart.h'' to the faulty header, but this causes 144 more errors (mostly 'something' undeclared, with some related to attempting to access members of structs for which the declaration cannot be found).Would you be able to help me figure this out? (Ideally you would give me a solution, and I would magically understand what is going on: since I am not that clever, please if you can explain what is going on).Best,Matteo