2012-08-13 2:06 PM
Using the MicroXployer the pin B13 was not allocated for the USB HS interface.
I wanted to use the CAN 2 bus interface.Being that I am using the USB HS in FS peripheral mode embedded in a product i.e.directly connected , do I need the VBus connection on B13(losing the CAN 2)?CheersTony #usb-hs-vbus-can22012-08-13 10:29 PM
Yup, there is a very stupid clash between CAN2 and ULPI interface (although CAN2 has 2 pinning options, but only CAN2_TX does NOT clash with ULPI in one case - the other 3 cases (2xCAN2_RX, 1xCAN2_TX) clash with the ULPI databus, which has no second option, even in the highest pin devices).
It would be really nice of ST to consider a 3rd possibility for CAN2, NOT clashing with ULPI - if possible already in the 100 pin device. I think for people using CAN, it can be VERY useful to have two CANs available, especially in the case of a USB-HS interface.