2019-04-22 6:25 AM
I have a homemade STM32F405RG development board It has a momentary switch that puts Boot0 HIGH to put it into DFU mode when plugged into USB but if I just plug it in it does not show up as a Virtual Com Port. How can I have it so I can have both these states available please. I ask that you excuse my inept explanation but I am an enthusiastic beginner at this. The USB data lines are routed to pins 44 (PA11) and Pin 45 (PA12) Thank you for all and any help.
2019-04-22 7:27 AM
You would need to compile and download a USB VCP application to the board
Perhaps look at an example like this
2019-04-22 12:46 PM
Thanks Clive. I will search on that and see what I can find that I understand and may be able to implement. Maybe I should have mentioned that I did follow this tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oED-m34EKk&fbclid=IwAR26U84ylwNh9c0hepNDO9VvBJBE0Vicq2gG6ESyhGvy__FUfsbFkzr-y2Y and then the board came up as a USB serial device whereas before doing that, I could only ever see it as a DFU device if it was plugged in with Boot0 HIGH. I then installed this old driver (STM32102 ) at the suggestion of someone else on this thread (second last reply) https://community.st.com/s/question/0D50X00009XkXShSAN/anyone-ever-get-the-stm32f4-virtual-com-port-working-wwindows-10?t=1555924171303 and that allowed it to be seen as a VCP. The only thing is that once I established a VCP connection by running the code in that Youtube tutorial, if I flashed another project to it I lost that VCP status until I flashed the VCP program again if that makes sense ? :grinning_face:
I use quadcopter (drone) flight control boards that STM32F3 to F7 that will go into DFO with Boot0 HIGH but will also connect as a VCP if just plugged in via USB. This is what I am wanting to do with this board so I can for example do projects where I also see data streams etc in a terminal window or the like.